
Friday, September 9, 2011

The End?

After 1 year and 5 months, our life on the road has finally come to an end. It has been an incredible journey, full of amazing people, places and climbing.

I just wanted to post a quick note to say that although the trip has ended, the blog posts aren't quite finished yet. We have a few wrap up posts planned, which we'll put up over the next week or so.

The climbing hasn't ended either of course. This weekend we're heading back to the Adirondacks, to settle up some unfinished business.


  1. Good work on the trip guys. It was great to meet you both!

  2. Thanks Cam. It was great to meet you too!

  3. This blog needs to be turned into a book with lots of photos.

  4. I always enjoyed reading the blog. Your journey definitely added some inspiration for me to try my own adventure.

  5. Gail, yup, it's on the todo list. It will make a great keepsake.

    Thanks Dan. Glad you enjoyed the ride!
